
Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Forming New Troops in Weiser

Make friends, build on strengths, acquire new skills, explore new opportunities! Join Girl Scouts for a chance to learn how to work as a team and shine as an individual with confidence and community support. Girl Scouts of Silver Sage is now forming two troops in Weiser for Kindergarten through 3rd grade. Every girl is welcome!

Try it out for free! Girls and parents are welcome to join the leaders on November 16th for a Meet-n-Greet to learn about the troops and what it is they do. Attend the first meeting for free and decide then if you want to continue with registration. There is an easy online registration and $25 fee with an additional troop due that helps to pay for earned badges throughout the year. Regardless of income, ALL GIRLS ARE WELCOME. If finances are a problem, there are assistance programs you can apply for on the website.

Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Mission:  Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. 

Alyssa Khoury and Emily McLeod

The Daisy Troop leader this year is Alyssa Khoury, currently a teacher in the Weiser School District. Miss Khoury is excited to get involved with Girl Scouts and plan some fun activities. Girls in kindergarten and first grade will be in the Daisy troop. Alyssa’s good friend Emily McLeod will be the co-leader.

Kayla McFetridge and Carie Lawrence

The Brownie Troop leader is Kayla McFetridge, Weiser native and mother to one Brownie Girl Scout and a middle school son. She is also thrilled to get started with her own troop of Brownies, having volunteered as co-leader in years past. Brownies will be 2nd and 3rd grade girls. Carie Lawrence will be the co-leader of the Brownie Troop.

Meeting times will be weekly on Tuesdays from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Both troops will be meeting at the same time and will learn/perform the flag ceremony and recite the Girl Scout Promise and Law.  After that, the two troops will branch off into their own groups to work on activities and lessons.

 “The Scout House”, which is located at 620 East 2nd Street in Weiser, is a Scout tradition, having been used for more than 70 years as the meeting place for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. The building is shared among many troops of boys and girls, so they all work together to keep it clean, organized, and functional.

If you have a girl who wants to join, please stop by at the first meeting!  You can PRE-REGISTER ONLINE and apply for financial assistance (if needed) on the website:  Registration for 1-year is $25.00.  Leaders will also have paper registrations at the first meeting.  Troop dues are a *suggested* $25.00 donation, which can also be paid at the first meeting with cash or check.  Troop dues go directly to the troop account to pay for badges throughout the year.

VOLUNTEERS WELCOME!  If any parents would like to volunteer, you will also need to register through the website.  Volunteers are essential to keeping great programs like this up and running.  With cookie season coming up in January, Girl Scouts will be in need of more volunteers! 

Find Weiser Girl Scouts Troop 698 on Facebook for updates, news, information, and fun posts!

Kayla McFetridge 208-907-2353 (Brownie Leader)

Alyssa Khoury 425-879-8183 (Daisy Leader)

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