Each year Living in the News .com features an article on the global generosity movement called #GivingTuesday. Created back in 2012, the idea began from a simple concept of encouraging people to do good and give something back to their local communities. Ten years later, the movement has gained worldwide momentum!

We feel passionately about helping neighbors, reporting on issues, offering a helping hand, highlighting acts of generosity, and overall sharing positive experiences that contribute to bettering our community. Therefore, GivingTuesday is featured every year on our platform. We want to encourage our local community members to join in the movement and give – not only on GivingTuesday but every day – by volunteering, making donations, sharing your passion for important issues, helping a neighbor, and using your own skills and talents to make a difference.

Some of you might be thinking “but I don’t have money to give,” or maybe “I don’t have anything to give back.” The idea behind GivingTuesday is to be generous is more ways than one. Think outside of the box. There are a multitude of ways to give back to the community with or without spending money! Here are a few ideas of things you can do LOCALLY to be a part of the GivingTuesday movement:

- Help a neighbor rake leaves
- Contribute to the Free Pantry in front of the police department
- Volunteer at a local food pantry (Idea: Love, Inc)
- Donate blood at the blood drive
- Donate money or needed items to a local nonprofit (Ideas: Rose Advocates or Angel Wings Network)
- Pay-it-forward! Pay for the next person’s order in the drive-thru
- Give a gift card to the grocery store to someone in need
- Give non-perishables to local homeless community

- Donate hygiene materials to local nonprofits (Idea: Love, Inc or Angel Wings Network)
- Gift socks, gloves, and hand warmers to schools for needy kids (Idea: School district)
- Share causes you are passionate about on social media (Idea: building an animal shelter)
- Participate in a Giving Tree program
- Share kindness everywhere you go! (Idea: Smile at everyone you see today!)
- Pay off an overdue lunch account at a local school
- Surprise a new mom with a homecooked meal
- Start a community project and ask people for help in finishing
- Volunteer in support groups to connect with others (Idea: Book Clubs or Grief Support)
- Donate your time teaching or sharing your skills (Idea: Library)
- Knit hats and give them away (Idea: Weiser Senior/Community Center)
- Donate to local animal shelters and rescues (Idea: Contact Charlie Prentiss or Cheri Gordon)
- Consider being a foster home for animals
- Gift food, toys, blankets to animal shelters and foster homes
- Pick up trash in your neighborhood (Idea: parks, busy roadways)
- Take a basket of goodies to a local healthcare establishment

The ideas are endless for creating positive change in the community we live. Be sure to share your ways of giving back on social media and use the hashtag #GivingTuesday2022 on November 29th, 2022.
How will YOU give back to the community?