I, Kelly Erickson, will be running as a Conservative Republican on the Primary Election ballot for the Washington County Commissioner, District 2 position.
I am a graduate of Weiser High School and have been a resident of Washington County for most of my life. I have been an appraiser for the Washington County Assessor’s office, was the Washington County Road and Bridge/Solid Waste Supervisor and worked for the Washington County Sheriff’s office, as the Jail Commander, for a total of 27 ½ years of service to this community. I have prepared county budgets for the Road and Bridge/Solid Waste departments as well as assisted the Sheriff with the Washington County’s detention budget. These positions have provided me valuable knowledge and experience that can assist me in representing you as your County Commissioner.
I am currently retired and reside in the Sunnyside area. I have been married to my wife, Ramona, for 44 ½ years. We have raised four children and have been blessed with twelve grandchildren. My wife and I have always had a vested interest in the success of this community. Three of our four children reside in Washington County and are proud to call this community their home where they have chosen to raise their families too.
As a conservative Republican, I will strive to represent Washington County residents fairly. I will be diligently committed to research issues so I can make informed decisions on your behalf.
If you have any questions concerning my campaign, please don’t hesitate to contact me at (208) 739-7844. I would appreciate your vote on May 17th.