My name is Ethan Sullender and I am the new 4-H Program Assistant for the University of Idaho Extension, Washington County, I am 30 years old and live in Weiser Idaho. I was born in Twin Falls Idaho and lived in Castleford for two years. My family then moved to southern California where I grew up. I was mostly home schooled, except grades four to eight when I attended a small private Christian school. I received a bachelor’s degree from Ottawa University in Kansas and am a proud member of the Army National Guard of Idaho. I have worked at the YMCA in the sports department as a coach and referee for all ages of basketball and soccer. I now live in Weiser and am hoping to be a good role model for every child that comes through 4-H.
Being new to 4-H, I am expecting to learn and experience new things. I hope to bring some new fun and exiting lessons for the youth to learn. My main goal is to teach the youth that they can do anything and be anything they want to be if they put their mind to it. If I can be a good role model and be able to teach the youth good lessons, then I know that I am doing a good job.

The 4-H Program Assistant is traditionally responsible for facilitating STEAM and Healthy Living Education through 4-H Afterschool, summer day camps and other classes and workshops. I hope to begin offering classes for youth at the UI Extension Office later this month. Check out our Facebook page at Washington County 4-H in Idaho for more information.