Letter from Reece M. Hrizuk
My priorities in life have always been God and my family, my law practice, and my community, in that order. When I first ran for Payette County Commissioner in 2018, I was newly married and had no children. At that time, I was able to balance my priorities. Since 2018, life happened–my wife and I were blessed with the birth of our son in 2020 and our daughter in 2022, as well as a substantial increase in business as we have worked to build up my law practice. Currently, I am finding myself working evenings and most weekends. Quite frankly, my priorities and how they are currently balanced are now backwards, out of balance, and need to be reconciled. Some weeks, I have days where I do not see my children due to working evenings. I am missing family events, holidays, church, and most important of all, I am missing my children growing up. I have seen too many elected officials throughout the country sacrifice their family lives for public service and I cannot do that to my family.
Therefore, I have decided to resign as Payette County Commissioner for the Third District, effective at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 15th,” This was a very difficult decision that has been weighing on me the past few months and one I have not taken lightly. I have been honored and privileged to serve the people of Payette County as a Commissioner these past five years. I am thankful for the people of Payette County, the other elected county officials, and the county employees, all of whom have been a pleasure to work with during my time in office.
I have the utmost faith in Commissioner Riebe and Commissioner Kelso and have no doubt that they will continue to keep Payette County on the right course. However, I would not be able to resign without first ensuring that someone I trust to serve as Commissioner for the Third District would be willing to apply for appointment. I know that I have no bearing on the decision appointing my replacement, nor should I. However, I am comfortable knowing that former Fruitland Mayor Ken Bishop, one of my political mentors and someone I hold in extremely high regard, will be applying for appointment.
Very truly yours,