By Zach Johnson
“Hi, I’m Zach Johnson, a Weiser High School Graduate of 2015. I’m currently associated with an amazing company that is making a huge difference in the lives of teenagers, specifically when it comes to their mental health. The company is called SchoolPulse, and we are partnering with schools all over the country to give kids access to mental health professionals through our text-based service.
Being a teenager is really tough, and every day teens are faced with extremely difficult and unique challenges that most of us can’t even imagine. Part of what makes these challenges so tough is that teenagers don’t know where to turn or who to confide in. Ideally, they would be open with their parents, but that’s just not how teenagers operate. The beauty of SchoolPulse is its accessibility and anonymity. Students simply scan a QR code and then have 24/7 access to certified mental health professionals through the convenient and discreet medium of text messaging.
A primary focus of SchoolPulse is positive psychology, and we create regular content such as podcasts and articles to help teenagers adopt a healthier and happier psyche. We get countless questions from the tens of thousands of teenagers who already use SchoolPulse. To help answer those questions, we deliver the best cognitive-behavioral strategies that are evidence based and instill an extraordinary mindset.
We are sharing our articles for the young adults and parents of young adults from among’s tri-county readers. We hope that our stories will reach anyone struggling with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and any other mental health issues. There is always hope and help available and it’s often just a matter of knowing where to find it.

We appreciate the team at Living In the News for allowing us to share our content with them and hope that you will find some support and guidance from our future articles. We will be submitting articles every week. Thank you!”