
The Board of County Commissioners Minutes Of March 8, 2021

March 8, 2021

The Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Idaho, does hereby meet this 8th day of March 2021.

Donna Atwood, Clerk, called roll call: Kirk Chandler, present; Lyndon Haines; present and Nate Marvin, present. Nate Marvin opened the meeting and Robert Peterson led the Pledge of Allegiance. Nate Marvin gave the invocation.

Correspondence received by the Board was reviewed and disseminated as required.

Haines reported he attended the Advanced Open Meeting Law and District III Zoom meetings last week.
Marvin reported he will attend the Area Agency on Aging meeting on Wednesday, March 10, 2021.
The Board reviewed a February 18, 2021 letter from Delbert Skeesick regarding recreational area on public land and the need for improvements at Steck Park.

The minutes of the Board not heretofore approved of March 1, 2021 were approved as written.

The claims, audited by the Auditor, were presented and reviewed by the Board. All credit card claims were reviewed. The Auditor was authorized to issue warrants totaling $194,290.13 for general expenses by a motion of Nate Marvin, seconded by Lyndon Haines. Motion carried.
Kevin Kirby entered the meeting.

Dahlia Stender, Juvenile Probation Supervisor, met with the Board. Also present was District Liaison, Joe Langan. Langan reviewed the 2020 Washington County Annual Juvenile Justice Report with the Board. Langan reviewed the number of Juvenile Arrests, Detention Admissions, and Juvenile Petitions for 2020. Langan discussed the Probation and Diversion statistics for the past three years. Langan also reviewed the State Funding received by Washington County for Juvenile Probation and how that funding is to be used.
Langan discussed the facilities available in Idaho to house juveniles and the services provided. Langan reported a cabin near Idaho City has been leased to the Juvenile Justice Program. Juveniles are allowed to work and stay at the facility while under supervision. Langan discussed the COVID-19 effects on staff and clients. Langan reported there have been positive cases at some of the facilities.
Langan informed the Board a full size gym will be constructed at the Nampa facility. It
will include a training area to teach life skills to the juveniles.
Langan informed the Board there is some proposed clean up legislation being reviewed
during this legislative session.
Langan thanked the Board for Juvenile Probation Supervisor, Dahlia Stender, being able to represent Washington County on the Juvenile Justice Council.

Tony Buthman, Emergency Manager, met with the Board. Also present was Jeri Soulier.
Buthman reported he assisted with the 4-H Preparedness Club training last month.
Buthman discussed the current COVID 19 status within Washington County. Buthman stated that citizens are able to schedule appointments online for those who would like to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Buthman is working with Kim Chipman to link the website to the County website in hopes of making it easier for local citizens to register. Buthman reported the current snow pack is currently at 105%. River flow is still below normal for this time of year.
Buthman informed the Board he will do a presentation in Cambridge on building a preparedness community in April or May. Buthman stated he would like to hold a Preparedness Fair in the future.
The group discussed water storage in the event of an emergency. Emergency kits were also discussed.

Bonnie Brent, Planning and Zoning Administrator, met with the Board. Brent reported the office is preparing for the five Planning and Zoning Commission Hearings that will be held on March 16, 2021. Brent inquired if signs should be on each property on Crane Creek since it is such a large area to cover. Marvin stated he felt a sign should be on each parcel.
Marvin inquired if Lance Hoch had turned in paperwork regarding a Special Use permit.
Brent stated Hoch had not turned in the paperwork. Brent informed the Board she had heard Hoch was living on the property. Marvin suggested a deputy check into the situation.
The Board reviewed a letter from Planning and Zoning Administrator, Bonnie Brent, requesting the reappointment of Lisa Horzen and Mindy Sands to the Commission.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines, to reappoint Lisa Horzen and Mindy Sands to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a four year term. Motion carried.
Marvin inquired on the status of guidelines for “Tiny Homes”.
Brent stated Building Inspector Steve Pierson is drafting a definition of “Tiny Homes”.
Chandler stated any inhabitable structure would require a building permit. Brent stated State Code requires a minimum size that would have to be met.

Delton Walker, Prosecuting Attorney, met with the Board. The group discussed the contract presented by Weiser Memorial Hospital for the purchase of property to allow for a remodel of the hospital. Walker stated since it is a $11,500.00 cash contract, it is probably fine.
Walker discussed the Herd Districts in Washington County. Walker stated he had reviewed the Holland and Hart LLP opinion from November 2016. The Holland and Hart documentation states the Commissioners “shall” establish a five member committee and State Statute states the Commissioners “may” establish a five member committee. There is a large herd district in the area of the Salvi property. There is currently no data on how the fences were created or how the district was taxed. Walker stated he had not found evidence that the Commissioners would pay for the cost of fencing the property. Only that the landowners and petitioners within the district pay the expense through tax.

Chandler stated the fence line in question is not within the Herd Districts. The Herd Districts boundary is one half a section west of Salvi’s fence. The fence line does not follow the section line and is not in the Herd Districts, but is on open range. It has been determined that the district was formed by petition of the landowners, not the County Commissioners. Walker told the Board a response should be sent to Salvi stating initial research indicates the County is not responsible to construct the fence.
Brent discussed the dates that Herd Districts were petitioned in Washington County beginning in 1915 through 1930. Not all petitions were approved. Marvin requested Brent draft a letter to Ed Salvi regarding the findings of the County. Walker will review the draft letter. Marvin requested an update regarding Intrinsic Organics. Walker stated he has not received a response from the attorney for Intrinsic Organics.
Haines stated there is currently a pungent odor coming from Intrinsic Organics.

Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Lyndon Haines to recess as the Board of Washington County Commissioners and convene as the Board of the Weiser Ambulance District. Motion carried unanimous.
Debbie Warren, Deputy Clerk, called roll call: Lyndon Haines, present; Kirk Chandler, present; and Nate Marvin, present.
Luke Smith, Ambulance District Director, met with the Board. Also present was Ambulance District Administrative Advisor, Tim Atwood.
Order No. 21-17 for general expenses in the amount of $9,507.00 was presented to the Board for review.
Smith reported the Ambulance District had twenty calls for service which included transfers, 1 public assist and 1 refusal for care last week.
Smith informed the Board ICRMP had evaluated the roof on the Ambulance Hall. He stated the roof is in good condition, but the seams need to be sealed.
Smith discussed CPR training that was held over the weekend. Treasure Valley Community College and Adrian QRU (Quick Response Unit) assisted in the training.

Smith stated the District received a donation of a projector screen from the community and Dr. Donohue donated a projector.
Smith informed the Board that Corey Patocka is working on the SAMS/DUNS Registration renewal and requested that Smith be added to the account.
Smith reported that the grant application/process for the new ambulance is ahead of schedule.
Smith requested the Board look into purchasing a Command/Chase vehicle for Smith.
Tim Atwood stated Weiser Rural Fire is replacing a vehicle and if the Board would be interested, that vehicle may be available for purchase. Atwood stated the vehicle is worth approximately $7,500.00 and would remain outfitted with lights and radios. Smith stated that he would like to continue discussion with Tim Atwood and attend the Rural Fire Board meeting.
Lyndon Haines moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to approve Order No. 21-17 for general expenses in the amount of $9,507.00. Motion carried. Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to recess as the Board of the Weiser Ambulance District and reconvene as Board of Washington County Commissioners.
Motion carried unanimous. Debbie Warren, Deputy Clerk, called roll call: Kirk Chandler, present; Lyndon Haines, present; and Nate Marvin, present.

David Belford met with the Board. Belford presented the Real Estate Purchase Contract between Weiser Memorial Hospital and Washington County for signature. Belford stated he hopes to have the final documents by next week.
Nate Marvin moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to approve the signing of Real Estate Purchase Contract between Weiser Memorial Hospital and Washington County. Motion carried.

Sheriff, Matt Thomas, and Johnny Biddinger met with the Board. Biddinger reported he is unable to get replacement keys made for the jail locking system. Biddinger presented a quote from Asset Protection for replacing the locking system in the jail and Sheriff’s Department in the amount of $15,615.17. This would include locks at the boat shop located at the Solid Waste site and a Combination Kit which would allow the department to have a key cutter and the ability to cut their own keys. The kit would also allow for replacement keys for the Courthouse.
Lyndon Haines moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to accept the quote from Asset Protection in the amount of $15,615.17. Motion carried.

Jerod Odoms, Road and Bridge/Solid Waste Supervisor, met with the Board. Odoms discussed work on Bruce Lane and stated that in July of 2020 it was agreed to allow a landowner to do upgrades on the road. Odoms informed the Board he is of the understanding that the landowner has received a bid for the requested work. Odoms stated that even though the County is not doing the work on the road, the County can oversee the work.
Marvin inquired if the landowner had a copy of the County specs. Odoms stated that was correct.
Chandler stated that on roads that are graded once a year, the landowner should have the ability to bring the roadway up to County specs. Odoms reported Lance Hoch called and has placed a mail box on Cove Road and wants a turnaround installed. Odoms stated the Snow plow route stops at the cattle guard before reaching the location of the mailbox and requested turnaround. There is a turnaround at the cattle guard on Cove Road used by school buses, the post office and snow plows.
Odoms stated he has talked to postmaster who was informed the county was going to improve the road so mail could be delivered. Odoms told the Board he informed the postmaster that was incorrect. The County will not be improving Cove Road past the cattle guard. Odoms stated Road and Bridge will not be changing the plow route. Odoms informed the Board the new Solid Waste backhoe is approximately another two weeks out for delivery.
Odoms stated the 2016 140M3 Road grader #8 which is owned by the County with a buy back option has met hours. Odoms told the Board Western States CAT will schedule a maintenance inspection on the grader. Odoms informed the Board that he would like to replace the grader with the same model (140M all-wheel drive). Western States CAT will provide paperwork on a 2019 grader that is currently in stock. Odoms informed the Board that Robert Peterson has received a hot spot for Solid Waste in order to use a card reader. Odoms will work with Treasurer, Sabrina Young, in obtaining a card reader.

Odoms discussed online classes that he will participate in this week online. Odoms reported crews are continuing to work on Waite Road. Odoms informed the Board a culvert on Devil’s Elbow Road will have to be unplugged. Odoms inquired of Haines if the Rural Fire Department had a piercing nozzle that Road and Bridge could use to unplug the culvert.
Odoms informed the Board there are two culverts on Glascock Road that need replaced.
Odoms stated he had informed landowner that if they purchase the culverts Road and Bridge would do the installation.
The group discussed a February 18, 2021 letter from Delbert Skeesick regarding recreational area on public land and the need for improvements at Steck Park. Odoms presented a quote from Newman Signs Inc., for replacement road signs in the amount of $7,182.73 to the Board for review.
Lyndon Haines Moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to approve the quote for signs submitted by Newman Signs, Inc., in the amount of $7,182.73. Motion carried. There was discussion as to the probationary period for Odoms. The Board agreed that the probationary period has ended.
Lyndon Haines moved, seconded by Kirk Chandler to go into executive session at 11:58 a.m. in accordance with I.C. 74 206(1) (a & b) to consider hiring a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent. This paragraph does not apply to filling a vacancy in an elective office, (b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. Motion carried unanimous. Kirk Chandler, Aye; Lyndon Haines, Aye; Nate Marvin, Aye.
Nate Marvin stated they were out of executive session at 12:07 p.m. Marie Pecht addressed the Board regarding Bruce Lane and the work another landowner has contracted to be done. Pecht inquired if the neighbors will have input on the project.
Marvin recommended that Pecht work with Road and Bridge Supervisor, Jerod Odoms, regarding Bruce Lane.
Chandler stated it would need to be determined if there is a county right-of way in the area in question or if it is truly a county road. Odoms stated he believes it is a prescriptive right-of-way.

Motion by Nate Marvin, seconded by Kirk Chandler and unanimously carried to recess at 12:21 p.m. until March 15, 2021 at 8:45 a.m.

Chairman, Board of County Commissioners



A full audio recording of the Commissioner Meeting is available at the Clerk’s Office upon request.

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