TVCC is an excellent and affordable option for your education.
Treasure Valley Community College opened in 1962, when afternoon and evening classes were offered first at Ontario High School, and then moved to the current campus several years later.
A caring staff and faculty serve more than 3,000 students annually, providing excellent, affordable educational opportunities in a relaxed, pleasant rural setting on 90 beautifully manicured acres.
TVCC Mission is a comprehensive community college dedicated to promoting student success.
The Vision of TVCC will be an excellence-driven institution offering quality programs to ensure student success.
The Treasure Valley Community College Foundation believes that strong communities are built by an educated citizenry; that families are kept whole and healthy by parents who are self-sufficient and knowledgeable; that children with dreams for a better world and a productive future are the long-term solutions to the challenges faced by humankind.
They are committed to providing educational opportunities for every student with the desire and drive to go to school.
About the TVCC Foundation
They have been helping students since the beginnning
The TVCC Foundation was established in 1962 to provide opportunities for students to pursue their educational goals, and to strengthen and expand the academic programs and services offered by Treasure Valley Community College. The Foundation is a private, tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. They are managed by a volunteer Board of Directors which represents area businesses, alumni and friends of the college throughout the Western Treasure Valley.
For more information about TVCC, call (541) 889-8822 or walk in and talk to someone, they are located at 650 College Blvd. in Ontario Oregon, 97914
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