Hello again dear friends. I do apologize for the delayed blog, but I have been ill which required a minor surgery. I am doing better now, but pain medications do NOT help with the thought process, at least in my case. Now, its back to business and I am very happy about that. I love sharing and educating people who are open minded and eager to learn about the paranormal field, whether it be my own personal experiences or a particular subject inÂ
general. I was recently contacted by a client we did an investigation for last year regarding the change of activity in their home. From the quality and quantity of the evidence gathered at this private residence, I can in all honesty say that this residence does contain genuine paranormal activity. During our investigation last year, we gathered many EVPS of footsteps, doors opening and closing as well as both male and female voices. Besides the tremendous amount of evidence, every team member had an unexplained personal experience during the investigation, one of which included a flashlight interaction with an unseen presence. Everything that occurred that night was benign in nature, at times somewhat playful and none of our team members or our clients felt threatened inÂ
any way. We all felt a sense of comfort and very welcome in their home. Unfortunately, over the course of the year, with major renovations going on, that warm feeling of comfort has changed. The clients now feel a thick fog of tension and negativity in the air. Things are so bad that they are considering moving from the home they once were in love with. You may ask yourself what could have triggered such a dramatic change in the atmosphere. It is common knowledge in the paranormal community that any renovations done to a location may trigger paranormal activity. If the location is known to be haunted, the activity will usually increase, sometimes turning negative in nature. Most people don’t stop to think that these spirits call their space “home” for a reason. Most commonly, it is a sense of comfort for them, so when strangers barge in and begin to tear things up, the spirits become angry and sometimes they act out by making the environment uncomfortable for the living trying to drive them out. I don’t blame the spirits at all. But they must also be told what your intentions are and why. In order to coexist peacefully, boundaries have to be established by you verbally. When doing so, do this with compassion and respect.Â
They must be told that your intentions are meant well and that they can stay if they wish if you agree to that as well. If you do not want them to remain, tell them that the location is now yours and that they must pass on, that you will respect and take care of the location as they would do. Don’t be frightened to communicate with them. Remember, they once called this place their “home” and find comfort there. Be respectful and compassionate as you would with a living being. If problems persist or get worse, please feel free to give us a call anytime at 208-999-6127. We will all help you work through this. Have a good week friends and thank you for your continued support. Debbie Frediani ~ Founder/Case Manager of Visions Paranormal Society ~