
Visions Paranormal Society Blog – Silver City

Scattered throughout the remote areas of Idaho, lie several ghost towns. In my traveling to study and view the history of these locations for myself, I have found a few of these ghost towns to be empty except for the dark skeletons of buildings that once housed a business or a family home. These skeletons now sit empty exposed to the harsh elements yet remain rich in history, which draws me to them. One of my favorite historical towns to visit is Silver City. When you drive into this sleepy little town you can’t help but notice the old buildings scattered around, some sit empty, others are inhabited. The locals who call Silver City their home are eager to meet and share with guests the rich history and numerous stories that abound here. Silver City was founded in 1864 soon after silver was discovered at near by War Eagle Mountain. Soon the settlement grew and became one of the major cities in Idaho.  Small scale mining continued off and on until World War II. The last mine to be operated year round in Silver City was the Potossi, managed by Ned Williams.  During its peak, Silver City housed more than 2,500 inhabitants who had traveled far and wide to search for gold and silver which kept the pulse of this community strong.The placer and quartz vein mines became depleted around the time Idaho became a state in 1890. Due in part to its extremely remote location, Silver City began a slow decline but never became completely abandoned.To this day about 70 buildings remain standing, all of which are privately owned. Many of the owners are third- or fourth- generation descendants of the original miners. If you should venture to Silver City, be sure to stop by the Idaho Hotel which sits in the center of town. There you will be treated to delicious food with a side order of rich local history which may include one of the many ghost stories. The hotel was restored and reopened in 1972. According to local historians, at least three spirits are said to roam the Idaho Hotel. One story tells of J. Marion Moore and Samuel Lockhart who had a shootout on the front steps of the hotel. According to legend, both men died in the hotel. Locals report that to this day, both men roam the hotel, one of them showing himself primarily in the stairway to the third floor dressed in a hat and long duster coat. The third spirit believed to roam the hotel is former hotel owner O.D. Broombaugh who took his own life in the saloon while suffering from pancreatic cancer. His original room in the hotel room is now room #27 on the third floor. Guests report being touched at night and feeling a strong presence. Other stories include the local residents seeing a young boy and girl dressed in period clothing playing marbles on Washington Street. When they are spoken to or approached, they simply fade away. Personally, I have not had any paranormal experiences while visiting here, but I must say the old cemetery that sits on the hill over looking the town gives one the unnerving feeling of being watched. I looked around expecting to see other visitors, but we were the only people there. That feeling, which we all experienced, left as soon as we left the cemetery.I cannot explain my experience but I do know one thing, the amazing history of this remote town still hangs in the air like stagnant dust wafting from the narrow dirt road that leads in and out of Silver City. If you are planning a visit please keep in mind that there are no gas stations available, and due to heavy snow, the road is only accessible May or June to early October. Also, a 4 wheel drive vehicle is recommended in summer during rains. Thank you and have a wonderful week. Debbie~V.P.S.

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