Weiser School District No. 431
Washington County, Idaho
Public Notice is hereby given according to law, and the requisite action of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 431, Washington County Idaho, that The Weiser School District Board of Trustees is accepting letters of interest from persons interested in applying for the position of Trustee representing Zone V.
Only a qualified elector residing in Trustee Zone V shall be appointed. A trustee must be a registered voter and reside in Zone V. (See the legal description for Zone V below). The term of office for this position will run from the date of appointment to the January 2024 Board meeting.
Interested persons should submit a letter of interest to the district. The letter of interest should address the following:
- The reason the applicant wants to serve as a Trustee
- The applicant’s vision for the Weiser School District
- The applicant’s ideas for how the school district can be improved.
Letters of interest should be submitted to Kyla Dickerson, Clerk of the Weiser Board of Trustees, Weiser School District, 925 Pioneer Rd., Weiser, ID 83672 by 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 19, 2021. The Board of Trustees will hold interviews and then appoint someone to fulfill the trustee position for Zone V following the November 19, 2021 deadline for applications. Applicants desiring additional information about the Trustee position or descriptions of Zone V may inquire at the school district office or by calling (208) 414- 0616 during business hours 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Legal Description of Trustee Zone V.
Trustee Zone No. 5: Beginning at the intersection of State Street and Hillcrest Avenue East and North on Hillcrest Avenue to East 6th Street South on East 6th Street to Galloway Canal East along the Galloway Canal to East 9th Street South on East 9th Street to East Park Street East on East Park Street to the East line of the SENW of Section 33, Township 11 North, Range 5 West South on the East line of said SENW to the South line of the Weiser River Trail Southwesterly along South line of Weiser River Trail to East Cove Rd Southeasterly along Cove Road to the Weiser Slough Then southwesterly along the slough to the Weiser River West on the Weiser River to its intersection with US Highway 95 North on US Highway 95 to East Main Street West on East Main Street to East 4th Street North on East 4th Street to East Park Street West on East Park Street to State Street North on State Street to the point of beginning.
By Order of the Board of Trustees
Kyla Dickerson, Clerk
Date: November 12, 2021