Roll Call Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Commission Reports Committee Reports Department Reports Minutes- Action Item Bills- Action Item
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
1. Public Hearing on Rate Increases on Water (5%), Sewer (5%) and Garbage (13.8%)
2. Resolution #692 Rate Increase on Water (5%), Sewer (5%) and Garbage (13.8%)- Action Item
3. Consider Las Esmeraldas Weiser LLC Beer and Wine Application- Action Item
4. Consider Artful Bon Request for Mural at the City Pool- Action Item
5. FY Budget 2025-Action Item
6. Approve and Authorize the Mayor to sign Crown Utilities Proposal- Action Item
7. Consider the Purchase a 4-Wheeler for Water Department not to exceed $7,000.00- Action Item
8. Consider Changing from Two Billing Cycle to One Billing Cycle- Action Item
9. Ordinance #1270 One Billing Cycle-Action Item
10. Adjournment- Action Item