November 13th, 2023
Filmed by Thereasa Rasmussen
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Commission Reports
Committee Reports
Department Reports Minutes-
Action Item Bills- Action Item
New Business
1. Public Hearing $11,300.00 Forgone
2. Weiser Middle School Exploratory Class Presentation
3. Appoint Brenda Mattson Economic Development Main Street Coordinator- Action Item
4. Resolution #686 $11,300.00 Forgone for FY2024-Action Item
5. Resolution #687 Airport Grant Agreement and Acceptance- Action Item
6. Approve Purchase of Case or John Deer Loader for Street Department with Source Well 33639 not
to exceed $221,011.00- Action Item
7. Approve purchase of V Blade for Loader with Source Well 33639- Action Item
8. Approve Policies; Leave of Absence, Dress Code and Personal Appearance, Employee Categories
and Classifications, and Grounds for Immediate Termination- Action Item
9. Approve Purchase of Electric Department Dump Trailer not to exceed $10,000- Action Item
10. Determine Crosswalk and Solar Flashing Light on West 9th Street in completion of Phase 1 or Phase
2 Olds Ferry Subdivision– Action Item
11. Adjournment- Action Item