It has been an annual tradition for the past seven or eight years for the Weiser City Fire Department to help the Weiser Elks Lodge during the Christmas season. Each year, the Weiser Elks Lodge prepares boxes of essential items gathered by donation to give out to families in need throughout the Weiser community.

Volunteer, Pete Ney, shared with us that the fire department brought a command rig, a large pickup, an ambulance, and a fire engine loaded with boxes to make special deliveries to 28 families in Weiser. They started at 10:30am and finished around 2:00pm the same day. Normally, they would have about 8 to 10 volunteers, but this year they delivered with 6 volunteers. Accompanying the crew was, of course, Sparky the Fire Dog! Appropriately dressed in his fire gear, Sparky rode on the old fire engine all around town.

“This is something we all really enjoy doing,” Ney shared. Thanks to the Weiser City Fire Department and the Elks members for sharing their time and energy by helping our neighbors in need. It is truly a humbling experience for the volunteers to see the joy this gesture brings. Programs like this bring hope to those who are struggling.
Thank you, Weiser City Fire Department! Your community appreciates you!