Saturday, June 1st Weiser’s new local nonprofit organization, Main Street Weiser, held a community clean up day. The organization’s focus is to create a vibrant revitalized downtown. Melanie Hickey shared, “This is our kickoff project to help get the word out about who we are and help the businesses with a little spruce up of our downtown corridor.” The group recently spent time surveying downtown business owners and asking them what they thought the downtown area needed and what could be utilized better to help downtown thrive. Main Street Weiser hopes to take the information from the surveys and come up with a project they can start on.

The clean up day had a great showing of volunteers. Hickey shared “We were lucky to have additional volunteers join us today from the high school Leo Club and a few members from the Weiser Economic Development Task Force. Ridley’s was kind enough to donate donuts and juice and paper goods for our volunteers.” The Main Street Weiser organization is looking forward to their next project that they plan to start working on coordinating soon. For more information about Main Street Weiser you can contact the organization through the City.
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