By Dorothy Evans
The Weiser Lions thank you for your generous donations to our community wide sock drive benefitting ROSE Advocates. Right from the start, socks poured in, overflowing the collection boxes in many locations. Socks of every size, color and design were donated. By the end of March, enough socks were collected to fill several large garbage bags.
At our meeting on April 7, the Weiser Lions emptied all those bags on a table and presented the huge pile of socks to the appreciative representatives of Rose Advocates, Dolores Larsen and Veronica Vasquez. Due to the generous people in Weiser, the sock drive was a big success, benefitting many adults and children needing a helping hand.
The Weiser Lions also collect used eye glasses and the tabs from aluminum cans year-round. The used glasses are shipped to the less fortunate around the globe and the pop tops are donated to the Ronald McDonald House in Boise. Collection boxes are located at the Senior Center and Columbia Bank.

Standing left to right: John Evans, Julie Derr, Christina Isaacson, Linda Youngblood, Steve Penner, Don Moyle, Betty Simpson and Juanita Moyle. Seated left to right: Dorothy Evans, Veronica Vasquez (ROSE Advocates), Lois Watkins and Dolores Larsen (ROSE Advocates).