By Ember Phelps, Weiser Middle School Student
On Tuesday, May 2nd, Middle School bands from across the valley gathered at Summitvue Middle School in Caldwell for their annual Festival Performance. Among the participants was Weiser Middle School band, led by their talented maestro Jake Fortin.

The group performed three pieces: Steve Hodges’ Columbia Crest March, Richard Saucedo’s Night Song, and Christina Huss’ Brace for Impact. Although no results or scores have been announced, Fortin stated that “the kids did great” and that he is “very pleased with their performance and the growth they have shown as players in the last few months”. As a spectator, I agree that the kids were very entertaining. If you missed the show, don’t worry. The band’s final performance, “Tacos and Tunes”, will be held on May 16th at 5 pm on the middle school lawn.