
Weiser’s Cheri & Steve Clausen and St. Agnes Catholic Church Receive Orchid Awards From Preservation Idaho

Saturday, July 22nd, Preservation Idaho held their 46th Orchids and Onions Preservation Awards Ceremony. Weiser’s Cheri and Steve Clausen and Weiser’s St. Agnes Catholic Church both received Orchid Awards. Since 1977 Preservation Idaho has hosted this event. This ceremony is to celebrate individuals and organizations that have made positive contributions in historic preservation. Those who are celebrated receive “Orchid Awards”. This ceremony is also to bring awareness to projects that have not made positive changes or are insensitive to the state’s cultural history. Those who fall under that category receive the “Onion Award”. 

Cheri and Steve Clausen received tha Orchid Award for Friends of Preservation. This award is given to non-professional individuals distinguished for service in historic preservation. The Clausen’s have served on either the Washington County or City of Weiser Historic Preservation Commission since 1987. Weiser Architectural Preservation Committee (WAPC) board member, Tony Edmondson shared, “They actively participated in the development of Washington County’s recently adopted Historic Preservation Plan and frequently completed much of the hands-on work associated with the “in-kind” matches for our CLG grants through the years. Not only were Steve and Cheri active community participants in the city’s first Comprehensive Plan, but Cheri also recently assisted in editing the “Historic Resources” chapter of Weiser’s updated Comprehensive Plan draft. They were active consultants in Weiser’s 1999 downtown revitalization project, helping guide choices in things like our historic street lighting. They were at the table when we negotiated with ITD for the historic enhancements to the Weiser River replacement bridge on highway 95 at the entrance to town. Their accomplishments for preservation far exceed the few listed here. 

Through the years, Cheri and Steve have also formed lasting relationships with many in the historic preservation community in Idaho. From Charles Hummel to folks at SHPO and beyond, the “Clausen’s” are who people locally and beyond immediately associate with historic preservation in this region of our State. They have individually and collectively more than earned this long overdue recognition for their years of service to our community.”

The Clausen’s commented on receiving their Orchid Award stating, “It’s easy for those of us who’ve lived in Weiser for a lot of years to overlook the architectural treasures we have inherited in our community. These buildings and residences define our aesthetic. I hope that the publicity from this award will remind us of all of the gems we have in our small town and help us recognize the value in conserving what we have. I’m thankful for the work that’s already been done by so many generous volunteers, and hope that others will want to join us in our efforts.”

Weiser’s St. Agnes Catholic Church received the Orchid Award for Heritage Stewardship. This award is given to organizations or individuals that have shown dedication to historic preservation through the long-term maintenance and care of historic, architecturally significant, or culturally important sites and structures. Although WACP board member Tony Edmondson did not know who had nominated the church he stated, “I will say they have a long history of respecting the integrity and history of their building and have consulted through the years when they had restoration work done on their stained glass windows, etc. They’ve tried to be good stewards of their house of worship and we’re tickled they were selected from among many applicants statewide.”

According to Preservation Idaho’s Facebook page, “Since its formal dedication in 1911, the St. Agnes Catholic Church has continuously served the Catholic community in Weiser. In 1978, the Church was listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. What recently started as a painting project at the Church became a larger restoration project including repairing cracked plaster, refinishing original woodwork, installing new lighting to enhance the architectural features, a new shrine, new pews and carpet reflecting the same time period. The recent restoration efforts repeat the millwork that was added in 1984 during the renovation by Charles Hummel.” For more information about St. Agnes Catholic Church:

This is not the first Orchid Awards Weiser has received. Edmondson shared that in 2022 Lindsay and Kelly Bartholomeus won an Excellence in Historic Preservation Orchid Award for their restoration of the Bernard Hass House that sits across from McDonalds in Weiser. This award is given to projects that have demonstrated outstanding adherence to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards in preservation, restoration, renovation, or adaptive reuse (residential or commercial) “That house sat unloved for more than 40 years until those kids looked at the potential lurking behind that dreadful aluminum siding!”, stated Edmondson.

According to the Preservation Idaho website, “Preservation Idaho (PI) is dedicated to preserving Idaho’s historic places through collaboration, education, and advocacy. Established in 1972 by a group of Idahoans concerned with the alarming rate at which historic sites and resources in Idaho were being lost, these individuals created an organization that enabled members of the public to unite toward the preservation of Idaho’s historic built environment. With mounting pressure from development and a continuously growing and changing population in the state, it is now more necessary than ever to preserve historic and cultural resources, promote the smart re-use and affordable housing of historic facilities, and to educate the community at large on the value of Idaho’s heritage. PI (Idaho Historic Preservation Council, Inc.) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. PI funds its education and advocacy work through memberships, donations, sponsorships, and grants.” To learn more, go to

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