
A Week of Scouting for Troop 350

Scouts from Weiser Boy Scout Troop 350 spent a very full week at Camp Morrison in McCall.  Six Scouts and two adult leaders spent 6 nights at the Boy Scout Camp with approximately 20 other troops totaling 250 Scouts and Leaders.  Scout Troops traveled to attend the week of activities from as far away as John Day, La Grande and Mountain Home, as well as troops from Payette, Fruitland and the Boise area.

Troop 350 left Weiser on Sunday to get an extra night of camping, which meant they could set up their camp and have a relaxed first night.  But it did mean that they had to provide their dinner and breakfast meals for themselves, as the official camp did not start until Monday morning.  Their normal day started with a wake up around 7:00 am.  They had to be cleaned up, in uniform, then a 15-minute hike to the dining hall and ready for the morning flag raising at 7:45 am, followed by breakfast at 8:00 am.  Class activities then went through to 4:00 pm, with a break at noon for lunch.  After the flag lowering ceremony and dinner at 6:00 pm, they had free time which they could swim, work on climbing, archery and rifle skills.  They could also attend a variety of extra Merit Badge classes each evening.  After all of that, each night they had time for the Troop at their camp site, with lights out at 10:30 pm.  

The first thing on the agenda during Monday was the required swim tests in the cool waters of Payette Lake.  After lunch on Monday the activities went into full speed with each scout scheduled for 4 to 6 Merit Badge classes each day.  The long list of classes that were attended during the week included First Aid, Wilderness Survival, Leatherwork, Woodcarving, Space Exploration, Sculpture, Finger Printing, Chess, Archery, Rifle, Canoeing, Swimming, Emergency Preparedness, Fish & Wildlife Study, Soil & Water Conservation, Bird Study, Pioneering, Shotgun and Climbing.  In all, the 6 Scouts will earn a total of 37 Merit Badges from their week of activities.  While the Scouts were going to their classes, the two adult leaders made sure everyone was accounted for, attended Scouting leadership training, safety training and even had a little time to sit in on a few of the Scouts classes.  On Tuesday morning 3 of the Scouts made the plunge into Payette Lake first thing in the morning, earning a Polar Bear patch.  All 6 Scouts attended the Wilderness Survival class, which included an overnighter on Wednesday night, away from their normal camp site and their normal adult leaders.  As a group they had to build a shelter out of the materials available in the area.  They were able to take a sleeping bag, water, flashlight and a personal survival kit, but they could not take food or start a fire.  All 6 successfully completed their night in the wilderness with little sleep and more than ready for breakfast when they returned around 6:00 am.

In addition to their Merit Badge work, the Scouts had to help with the main camp activities which including cleaning up the dining hall after one of the meals, the flag ceremony and sharing of grace.  In the Troop 350’s camp site, the Scouts were responsible for the general up keep of their campsite which included trash removal, latrine clean up, litter control, campsite flags, fire ring maintenance and fire water tending for the camp and each tent.  After a very full week, the troop returned to Weiser on the following Saturday afternoon.

The Troop 350 Scouts attending were Dylan Ahlin, Bryan Bottomley, Dominick Sivero, Ben Odoms, Calvin Clapperton and Johnny Stuart.  The adult leaders surviving were Kevin Bottomley and Scoutmaster John Stuart.  Troop 350 is thankfully sponsored by the Weiser Lions Club. 
John Stuart

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