
Around Midvale by Elsie Coburn

Midvale Column 3.31.16
Happy Retirement and Thank you from Elsie Coburn to Norm Dopf and Bonnie Evans, whose years of faithfully keeping the News Reporter coming to your homes are ending with this issue. As one of the reporters since   September 20, 2001, I have greatly enjoyed working with them and appreciate all  their patience with me!

A Midvale Community Meeting will be held next Tuesday evening, April 5 at 6 PM in the Midvale Mercantile building. Jim Birdsall will be attending. He is working with The City Council and Midvale Community Partners to assist in creating a long term plan for our community. Everyone is invited to attend…this is your opportunity to get involved with the process. We have some exciting things in the works.

Guesthouse and Hostel in the Midvale Merc building will open May l and Elsa Freeman will offer
reasonable rates for dorms, private and family rooms with lodging available for groups of up to 20 people. For information, please contact Elsa Freeman 473-6292.   “More details to follow – Watch for our open house!”

Toni Denney, daughter of Lawerence and Donna Denny, passed away earlier this week and we send condolences and prayers for the family.

Harmon Horton got quite the surprise on March 19th.  He thought that he and his wife Terry would be spending that evening having a quiet dinner with friends Rob and Melba Wiggins.  But as they approached town, Terry abruptly pulled the car into the Midvale School parking lot.  That’s when Harmon realized he’d been duped!  Waiting inside the school’s cafeteria were approximately 80 friends and family members who began singing “Happy Birthday” to him as he walked in.  That’s right…a surprise birthday party to commemorate his 60th birthday!  It had been put together by Terry with the aid of their two daughters Brandi and Jennifer.  He had no idea what they’d been planning, and they are pretty proud of themselves for having pulled one over on him!  The party was a great success, with everyone enjoying a chance to share stories and say a word or two about Harmon.  There was a tasty meal catered by Angela Girvin.  For dessert there were cupcakes and a cake in the shape of Harmon’s Case 970 tractor made by Jennifer and her husband Sean Hollis.  Once the dinner and dessert was consumed, and “roasting” Harmon was over, the family made their way to Harmon and Terry Horton’s backyard where they fired off an impressive display of fireworks for a grand finale to a truly wonderful day!”
We would also like to say: Thank you to all who came and made this a very special day for Harmon.” (Thanks to Terry for submitting this great story!)
Toni Schwartz’s daughter Kerry and son-in-law Keith came down on March 21 to take her to her eye specialist in Meridian. Toni’s brother Peter and wife Lila called from England to give her Easter greetings and they enjoyed a nice, long visit. Keith, Kerry and their son Kolby, along with two other families, are spending spring break in a condominium in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

Evelyn Evans was pleased to have her two daughters visit her at the Salubria Center last weekend.  Karen Gaarsoe from Salt Lake and spent several days with Steve and Bonnie Evans and Ellie Evans of Boise came up Saturday.  Evelyn and Toni Schwartz had Easter dinner at Steve’s house along with Karen.

The Annual Veterans’ Fish Fry last Friday evening was a huge success and the veterans send a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who came, ate, visited and helped them raise over $500 in ticket payments and donations! At the end of the evening  there was just enough fish to feed the staff! Many raves were received during the meal and in the days following.

This year your reporter is choosing to give recognition to the Veterans who set up indoors and out. And then labored outdoors in the cold,  deep frying a steady stream of fish and Freedom Fries.  Those who set up, and/or cooked and cleaned up were Steve Nettleton, Dustin Robbins, Jesse Tiedemann, Jack and Oakie Toothman, Jody Fosberg, Don Ader and Don Smith.  A special thanks to Margaret Fosberg who made multiple trips indoors to deliver hot fish and fries to the kitchen! Working indoors during the event were Wilfred Fox, Paul Radasch and Jack Coburn.

The ladies who worked in the kitchen and served the tables included Bobbie Marvin (who made a huge batch of her famous cole slaw) Crystel Baladez, Lola Ader, Chris and Carol Toothman, Sandy Damon, Elsie Coburn, Karen Nettleton, Carolyn Robbins and their daughters Lenny  and Dezi, who added their youthful energy.

Easter Notes…Kevin Hooper reports that 50 to 60 brave individuals attended the sunrise service on Midvale Hill, despite the dire weather reports. And they were rewarded by a wonderful service with only cold temperatures and a brief interlude of freezing rain.

Sarah Deines sang Josh Turner’s song, “The Way He Was Raised,” and scripture passages were read by John Erickson, Kenny Carpenter, and Corbin and Micah Hooper. This was followed by Kevin Hooper, who shared thoughts on the scriptures that were read.

The service was followed by the Easter Breakfast in the much warmer Midvale School where a good crowd gathered. Bobbie Marvin and Chrystal Baladez  and helpers served a delicious breakfast featuring biscuits and sausage gravy to a large crowd.

Kevin Hooper then led an Easter Service in the Midvale Church of Christ, completed outdoors with an Easter egg hunt for the younger set. Then, in the evening, he was in Weiser for yet another Easter message in the Church of Christ there. On Monday morning he was recuperating from his busy Easter day!

No Funny Ending this week! I know that many of you have fun things happen, especially if you have young children. Let me hear from you!

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