
Corry Joiner – Channeling Courage into Creativity

By Marsha Woods
Infamous American artist, Georgia O’Keefe wisely stated that, “To create one’s world in any of the arts takes courage.” Although Ms. O’Keefe never met or spoke directly to Weiser’s Corry Joiner, she seemingly knew her well.
Corry Joiner grew up in Boise, where in 1992, raising 3 children on her own, she met a guy named Jay Joiner through relatives. Jay says that he saw something special in Corry immediately.  His instincts were not wrong.  The two dated while Corry was living with her Grandmother and raising a 17 month old daughter. Jay was a machinist with connections in Weiser. When the couple married in May of 1993, the opportunity arose to relocate; an opportunity that has proven a bit of an omen for both. Jay opened a repair shop, Jay’s Service Center in 1994, located on State Street, where the old Hollie’s gas station once stood. Corry was his partner, as well as his wife.  To help support the family, she was not only involved in the business, but worked nights at Bo’s Barn. Corry always had artistic instincts, but never time to pursue them.
Fate intervened in 2006 when she contacted West Nile Virus, which progressed to Spinal Meningitis.  Corry and Jay’s world turned upside down.  With an uncertain future, Corry spent over 3 months in hospitals, including the Elks Rehab Center, relearning almost everything from feeding herself to walking.  Her sheer determination and instinctive fight won the battle.  As Jay proudly describes the war that they fought, “She was wheeled in and walked out!” She came home with braces on her legs and a goal!  With the encouragement of some very special people, combined with her own brand of fortitude, she continued to endure. She and Jay started J.C. Services on Sunnyside Road, where they work side by side.  Corry shed her braces a few months ago after being a part of her life for 10 years.  She says that the freedom comes in being able to wear boots again.  One would observe from her that the freedom actually comes from her faith in herself.
Corry Joiner is a woman of many talents and much more resolve.  Approximately 4 months ago, her desire to learn to weld came to fruition.  Four of her nieces were all getting married and she wanted to give them something special and something from her heart. She was enthralled by the process of welding horseshoes into art; her idea was to make special crosses as a unique expression of commitment as her gift. She convinced Jay to educate her on the use of his plasma cutter.  She donned the safety helmet and went for it! He complied and Corry’s new world began in earnest! Her crosses were a bit primitive at first, but as her concentration became more focused, her imagination went wild! Corry now sees something fun in everything that she touches! There is not a rusty hammer, an old spring, or a discarded nail that does not escape her notice! Something out of nothing, but everything with a purpose, Corry’s biggest challenge is to accumulate enough horseshoes to keep her busy! If she had her way, every equine in the county would go barefoot!  Corey admits that she gets a bit distracted with her concentration at times.  Poor Jay has to remind her that perhaps eating would be a good idea! Corry dreams in color, but she does so with vision!
Courage created resourcefulness; ingenuity created Corry’s Creations, which can be viewed on Face book.  She has several amazing pieces of her work on hand and is willing to make to order.
Corry Joiner is a study in audacity; she is a warrior for whom we should all take as an example! As Jay would call her, “She is a gun toting Mama who is not afraid of anything!” He’s right!

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