
Copilot Teen Q&A: How Can I Get Better Grades?

By Iuri Melo

Hello there and welcome! I just want to say how grateful I am that you are even asking about how to get better grades, because to me that shows your level of interest and desire to perform a little better, and to get some better outcomes, and honestly my friend, that is what I am here to deliver right now.

Before I drop some quick pro tips on how to get better grades, I first have to give you the right kind of mindset that will become the foundation for your success. You’ve heard me say it before, and it’s absolutely true, that your psychology is everything— your perspective (the way that you view and interpret the events in your life) matter more than the events themselves, and so I’m here to deliver the best psychology, the best mindset and perspective that will absolutely lead you to doing better, and ultimately to getting better grades.

I want to quickly say that everything I’m going to tell you today is proven to work. There have been studies and research that has been done, and redone with positive outcomes that have worked for others, and that I guarantee will work for you. So let’s start with your psychology, with a mindset that will be the foundation for your efforts and that will also help you to shift and move through the obstacles and failures in your life with dignity, humility, and allow you to persevere like a total boss!

Approach challenges with excitement, curiosity, and humility. From this day forward, I want you to make a commitment to yourself. Whenever a challenge, a problem, a situation presents itself to you— whether it’s a test, or homework, or group project, or a class assignment— approach it with the mindset that says, “Let me see if I can figure this out” or “This is new, let me see if I can learn to solve this” or “I love a challenge” or “I love something that requires a bit of figuring out.” I know this may sound small and inconsequential, but it is not! If someone hands you a Rubik’s cube or a chess board, and you’ve never attempted something like that, instead of putting it to the side or immediately giving up on it because you don’t know how to do it, for heaven’s sake, work it out… do a little research… ask for some help… Just because you don’t know how to do it now, doesn’t mean that you can’t learn to do it. Learn to tackle something that you don’t know how to do, stick with it, learn about it, ask for help, and learn to work on a problem instead of immediately quitting on something.

Focus on the process and your effort on the things you can control. Look, I want you to get great grades as well, and honestly the best way for you to get awesome grades is for you to focus on what you can control, and what you can control is the process of learning something. For example, the objective isn’t for you to finish your assignment as quickly as you can, it is for you to understand how it actually works— the process of it— so that you can repeat it. Here are the steps:

  1. Approach topics with interest and an open mind. 
  2. Focus your attention on learning it, studying it, or asking for help to comprehend it. Remember that asking for help isn’t a sign that you are dumb and unintelligent, it is a sign that you believe in a superior mindset… and that mindset is that you are humble and willing to recognize that you don’t know everything that exists in the world. 
  3. Practice that thing. Your brain is a pattern-making machine, and the more that you practice and repeat something, the more connections your brain makes, and the more connections your brain makes in regards to something, the easier that something becomes for you. Practice makes better, my friend, and there is absolutely no substitute for it in school, sports, arts, relationships, and in life.
  4. When it’s time to perform, do so committed to the idea that no matter what the outcome is, your goal is to grow, to understand better, and to be committed to doing a little better. I know it’s tough to handle failure or performing below where you or others want you to perform, but I’m telling you, if you keep your mind focused on the process of “no matter what happens, my commitment is to learn, to understand, and to keep putting forth effort, until I do get it,” then I promise, not only will your grades get better, but your Mental Health, the way you think and feel will also be improved, because you won’t be questioning your intelligence everytime something goes your way, or doesn’t.

Be open to feedback and to being taught. Why is it so hard to teach someone something? Why are we so closed to being taught, to being mentored, to being coached, to receiving feedback, to hearing criticism. What planet are we from, that we feel like we should know everything? Why do we resist other people’s willingness to help us? This life is full of knowledge, and our unwillingness, our resistance to being open to things that will help us, is crazy and ridiculous. Now please don’t be offended, because I’m not just talking to you, I’m talking to myself here as well. Stay humble. Commit to learning and growing. Stay focused on your effort and the process, and then perform to the best of your ability, celebrating your successes, and engaging your failings with a commitment to learn through them.

Ok, let’s talk about some basic tips that you can do starting now that you will do throughout your middle school, high school, college, or other vocational opportunities that you may have. A quick thought here before I begin. Some of these may not fit your circumstance, and that’s ok. Do all of them, or as many as you wish. Each of these suggestions is made to create improvement, and to impact your ability to succeed. So the more you use, the greater the impact. Alright, here we go:

  • Sit as close to the front of the class as possible. Whatever you need to do to find yourself toward the front of the class, closer to the board, and closer to the teacher, the more likely you are to focus and learn a little better.
  • Make friends with your teachers. Learn this here and now, your relationships with your teachers matter. Be friendly. Participate in class. Greet them when you go into class with a hello, or give them a high five, or a fist bump. I’m telling you, this may feel like it’s not connected to your grades, but studies show that it is. Flex your social muscles out there.
  • Remind yourself that you are at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. Being at school is not a waste of time, you’re literally opening the door to your future, to your success, and to your financial freedom. So when you get angry, bitter, and a little discouraged, step yourself back into the truth, that of course this matters, and that your effort and success now, will impact your success in the future.
  • Believe that you can learn any topic and any material. Every study shows that students who believe that they can learn, and improve their ability in any topic or specific material, outperform those who think they are “just not good at” math, or at science, or the arts, or english, or foreign languages, or whatever. Instead, step into this mindset: “Of course I can learn math, or science, or arts, or English, or anything that I wish to learn… with a little effort, time, patience, and repetition, I can learn anything.”
  • Organize your materials, desk, and backpack. I know this sounds silly, but it’s time to clear out the clutter in your backpack, folders, desk, etc. Take your time to make your learning environment a little neater and clean. Time for some spring cleaning. Throw out all of your candy wrappers, assignments that you no longer need, and make space for what matters right now.
  • Make a personal goal to have better grades. Everything begins in your head, and when your brain has a direction, it performs better, so don’t skip this simple step because it feels simple. Write it on your wall, on your bathroom mirror, on your phone notes somewhere. We have to start somewhere… start now.
  • Schedule your time to study. Look, we are creatures that constantly look for the path of least resistance and who most of the time will avoid any situation that creates pain and discomfort, in favor of more entertaining, easier, and more pleasurable activities. If you’re constantly trying to choose between rocket league, or TV, or hanging out with buddies; and time studying, guess what’s going to win most of the time? Yup. So schedule your time to study and to do your homework, and then protect that time… make it sacred… phone off, notifications off… and work it baby!
  • Put your phone away in class and silence all of your notifications. Phones and notifications are built to capture your attention. If you have all sorts of bleeps, and pings, and buzzing going on in your pocket or backpack during class, your focus and attention will be derailed, and that’s going to impact your ability to learn. Simple and effective… do it!
  • Go to class, do your homework assignments, and do all extra credit opportunities. Make this one of your goals as well for the year. Just simply make a commitment to showing up, take some notes, and do your homework assignments. This is a great foundation, and a great minimum to start with.
  • And lastly… just say “YES” already to being in school. Stop resisting, and making school, learning, teachers, and principals your enemies. I realize that not everything in school will be to your liking, or to your interest, or your favorite, but for heaven’s sake, are we just going to complain about everything, and make our lives completely miserable? Just buy in. The process is good. Your brain needs exercise and to expand. Your future self will thank you for your effort now, so just buy in, settle in, and engage with a better mindset and attitude.

My friends, you are rad. I envy you. Your awesomeness, your effort, your attempt to do good things, even great things. I see your effort. I know what you want, and how sometimes you will sabotage what you want just to save face, or to protect your ego… you don’t need to do that anymore. Now get out there, settle in, buy in, and use your time, focus, and energy in an intelligent way. Good luck!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Through Iuri’s extensive 20-year career as a Licensed Therapist, he has helped countless individuals and gained valuable insights into
the human psyche. As a published author of two books, Mind Over Grey Matter and Know Thy Selfie, Iuri has established himself as an authority in his field. He has received numerous awards and accolades for his outstanding work, and his passion for helping people is evident in everything he does. Iuri has expressed his admiration for people and their capacity for personal growth and transformation. He believes that positive change starts with improving our own psychology, and this is the guiding principle behind Copilot. Their mission is to inspire deep, lasting change in individuals by offering the best positive psychology service in the country. To learn more about Copilot and their approach to empowering individuals to live better lives, click here.

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