The Lower Weiser River Cooperative Weed Management Area and Washington
County Weed will host an applicator seminar on Thursday, February 18, 2021.
Class will begin at 6:00 p.m. and conclude at 9:15 p.m. There is no charge for this
class. Due to current covid concerns the seminar will be held at the Exhibit Hall at
the Washington County Fairgrounds in Cambridge to allow for social distancing.
The program for the evening will include presentations on applicator PPE by Dave
Malmberg, Norco. The second hour will feature Dan Safford, ISDA Program
Specialist and will cover the Grasshopper and Mormon Cricket program as well as
the Noxious Weed Free Forage and Straw Certification program. The final speaker
of the evening is Justin Erickson, NOAA Industrial Hygienist will focus upon
safety procedures, how to understand SDS sheets and dealing with environmental
concerns in agriculture during a pandemic.
The Weed Advisory Board understands applicators have struggled to obtain credits
to keep their license current so we encourage you to attend. In person instruction is
rare these days so we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.
Interested individuals who are not licensed but wish to learn about these topics are
also welcome to attend.
Light refreshments will be served. Three Idaho recertification credits will be
offered to Idaho pesticide applicators. Reminder the seminar will be held at the
Washington County Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall, Cambridge, Idaho. Please RSVP to
the Weed Department at 414-1950.