By C. Lawrence
Not everyone is so fortunate to have a warm meal every night and our local Scouts work every year to collect food to help fight hunger in our local communities. The Weiser Lion’s Club is sponsoring the Scout troop and Pack 350 in their annual event “Scouting for Food,” which has been a yearly project for decades. This year the food drive is happening on November 14th, 2020.
Scouts and volunteering community members will be delivering donation bags to neighborhood doors beginning November 7th. On the 14th, leave your non-perishable food donation in the bag by your front door or on the sidewalk. Members of the troop, pack, and volunteers will be coming by houses to collect the food. All donations will be taken to WICAP and distributed to Weiser people in need. Examples of non-perishable food items are: canned fruits, canned veggies, canned meats, cereal, pastas, peanut butter, and other items that store well. WICAP also distributes food to other organizations that help fight hunger, such as Love Inc.
The Scouts are in need of volunteers! They invite community members or service organizations to come down and be a part of this wonderful project. If you would like to help out, meet the Scouts at the old Ridley’s parking lot on East 1st Street at 9am on November 14th where you will be given additional instructions.