Paid for by the Washington County Republican Central Committee
The Legislative District nine committee met called a meeting for the evening of March 22nd, 2024 for the purpose of having the legislative district candidates come and present themselves to the members of the committee and to receive a vote to endorse them. The candidates represented were; Legislators seeking seat A, Judy Boyle, seat B, John Shirts (represented by Mary Schwartz), Senate LD9, Brandon Shippy and Scott Syme was not represented). The people in attendance were given the opportunity to ask questions. A ballot was passed out to the LD 9 committee members and a vote was made.

Those receiving an endorsement from the LD 9 committee and has the support of the State Republican Party are: Senate, Brandon Shippy, Legislator seat A, Judy Boyle, Legislator seat B, Jacyn Gallagher. We would like to thank all of those who came to the meeting and participated in the process. We would encourage everyone to take the time to get to know your candidates and what they represent and how they will represent you. This is the first time that the LD 9 committee has endorsed Republican candidates in the Primary. The candidates endorsed may use the Republican endorsement in the campaign. Thank You Chairman Kirk Chandler