From The Office Of The Washington County Sheriff – Idaho
On October 8, 2020 at 10:15 hours a Washington County Deputy arrived on scene of two vehicle crash on Highway 95 near Appleton Lane. He observed a black pickup directly behind a tow truck on the east side of the highway and debris in the northbound lane. He directed traffic for a short time until Weiser Rural Fire was on scene to assist with traffic control. After he turned traffic control over to Weiser Rural Fire, he contacted the drivers of both vehicles, who had been checked and cleared by the Washington County Ambulance medics. The driver of a black 2011 Chevy Silverado, stated that he had been traveling northbound on Highway 95 behind the tow truck. As they approached Appleton Lane, he said that a white car, which was in front of the tow truck, stopped to turn off of the highway onto Appleton Lane. He said that the driver of the tow truck was looking at his GPS and stopped abruptly in front of him. “When I looked up” the truck was “stopped” and he was unable to stop and the front of his pickup impacted the rear boom of the tow truck.The deputy later asked the driver how he knew the other driver was looking at his GPS and he stated the the other driver told him that he was.The Deputy then spoke to the driver a red 2017 Freight liner tow truck with a role bed, owned by Marky’sTowing. The driver confirmed that a white car has stopped in front of him abruptly and he had to aggressively apply the brakes to avoid hitting the car, but was struck by the pickup. He then stated that he was not on any distracting devices prior to the collision.