
Weiser Attorney, Kiley Stuchlik, Comments on Being Appointed to Third Judicial District

Governor Little appointed Kiley Stuchlik to the Third Judicial District judge position for Payette and Washington Counties. The position was vacant due to the retirement of Judge Susan Wiebe.  A former student of the Weiser School District, Stuchlik (maiden name Cobb) graduated from Weiser High School in 2003, then left for Eastern Oregon University where she earned a B.A.  She then advanced to the University of Idaho College of Law where she graduated in 2011.

Stuchlik acquired an internship with the Ada County Prosecutor’s Office and was also a law clerk for the Honorable Judge John R. Stegner of the Second Judicial District in Moscow, Idaho.  She also added three years of experience at a law firm in Baker City, Oregon, where her husband is originally from.  Before moving back to Weiser in 2018, Kiley and her husband, Steve, had spent a couple of years in Coos County, Oregon on the Oregon Coast.  Steve Stuchlik is also an attorney.

After moving back home to Weiser, Kiley and Steve decided to start their own private law practice.  Stuchlik Law, PLLC is located at the former offices of “Burton & Kroll” on Liberty Street in Weiser.  Kiley mentioned that they wanted their two sons to be raised in a rural community like they had as children.  Since establishing the private practice, they have been providing legal services to Weiser and surrounding areas.

In September of 2021, Kiley Stuchlik learned of the Third Judicial District judge position opening.  In what seemed to be divine timing, Stuchlik had reached the 10-year mark for being a licensed attorney, the minimum requirement for applying for the position.  Nine applicants were interviewed over a Zoom call by the Judicial Council.  Out of the nine, three candidates were selected to be interviewed at the Capital with Governor Little.  Governor Little and several others interviewed each of the three candidates.

Just recently, Stuchlik received a phone call from Governor Little himself informing her that she had been appointed to the Third Judicial District.  Stuchlik shared that she was overwhelmed with emotion, and it has been a whirlwind of phone calls and congratulations ever since.  In a recent press release, Stuchlik stated, “I am excited to serve the people of Payette and Washington Counties and make a positive impact on my home community through judicial service.”

Stuchlik shared that she is grateful for the incredible support she has received over the years.  Teachers in the Weiser School District, coaches, friends, and family have been encouraging, reassuring, and inspiring along her journey.  More specifically, she wishes to thank her husband for the sacrifices he has made to get their family where they are and for his supportive nature.  Stuchlik’s parents, Tim and Donna Cobb, instilled an immense work ethic that has pushed her to always work hard and perform her best.  “I also have some incredibly supportive in-laws.  They help with my children, Beau and Hank, and anything I need,” she replied.  And to the “four best friends, who happen to be my siblings,” who have always lifted Kiley up, praised her, and been loyal confidants. The consistent support, unconditional love, and advantages of a tight-knit support system is something she will forever be grateful for.

With a solid history of service to the State of Idaho, Kiley Stuchlik is confident and honored to take on this position.  An official ceremony for taking the Judicial Oath has yet to be determined.  In the meantime, she will be closing her portion of the private practice, where her husband Steve will carry on as an attorney.  Stuchlik’s concluding words were, “I am grateful to Governor Little for entrusting me with the appointment.” 

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