Weiser Rural Fire District held a two day vehicle extrication class. Students had two days of hands-on extrication skills. The weather was hot and uncomfortable, but our dedicated firefighters made the most of the opportunity to learn essential skills needed when responding to motor vehicle accidents.Vehicles are designed to protect the passengers when involved in a collision. Accessing these patients inside the damaged vehicle can be a challenge. Operating the powerful tools and equipment used to gain access to these patients requires strength, stamina and skill. Students worked on scenarios from a basic “door pop”, or opening the door of a vehicle involved in a front end collision, to stabilization and extrication of two cars involved in a collision, with the second vehicle upside down on top of the first. The instructors were Tyler Byner from Elite Extrication and Tim Atwood from Weiser Rural Fire.Special thanks to Daniel Field, Owner of Woody’s Towing and also Ryley Gallager for allowing us to hold the training in Woody’s Towing & Restoration Yard and providing the cars. Ryley also helped set up the crash scenarios.