By Dorothy Evans
The American Red Cross held Weiser’s quarterly blood drive on August 2. In the very
early morning hours, three big Red Cross vans transported numerous drawing tables,
interview stations, supplies, computers and most importantly, staff from Boise to the
Vendome Events Center.
It is quite an extensive process to set up the many work stations in time for the first
donors who arrive at 8:00 a.m. That same long process must be reversed when the last donor leaves around 2:30 p.m. Add to that the drive back to Boise and it makes a very long day for the Red Cross staff.
After record-breaking turnouts of 101 in March and 107 in May, Wednesday’s showing
of 78 donors seemed disappointing. However, compared to previous years, the turnout was average for an August drive. Because not all donors are accepted due to iron levels or blood pressure readings, we did not meet our goal this drive. We hope to return to exceeding our goal at our next drive in December.

Most of our donors are repeat givers; that is, we see mostly the same people at every
drive so it is exciting when we have a first-time donor. This drive we had two first-
timers, friends Rachal and Rachel.
Rachal Messersmith, a 34-year-old marketing director for Dove Hearing, read about the upcoming blood drive in LivingInTheNews. Because of her blood type, she knew donating was the right thing to do and said she will be back to donate again in December.
Rachel Clark, the 32-year-old owner of Dove Hearing, will also be back in December.
Rachel heard about the drive from her friend Rachal and decided to join her. According to Rachel, “it’s a great cause and everyone should do it.”

We appreciate all of our donors. Those giving permission to print their name are: MargChipman, Jason Bair, Larry Lee, Wendy Martell, Fred Haun, Steve Cooper, Jeff Kohler, Jim Hardenbrook, David Hopper, Chris McCord, Mary Walker, Kaelyn Messersmith, Rejeana Goolsby, Jill Linder, Bret Karnes, Aurora Salazar, Gilbert Salazar, Chris Clapperton, Brittney Phillips, Colleen Edwards, Russell Shelton, Kathy Shelton, Dan Zeller, Jill Zeller, Martin Hiner, Melisse Hiner, Pat Sullivan, Charles Winegardner, Tanja Colby, Kevin Colby, Sandy Cooper, Jessii Moser, Mark Christensen, Sue Slade, Laurel Handel, Corrin Warship, Bob Barber, Barbara Barber, Lupita Rodriguez, Cindy Duncan, Darrell Zinn, Pam Stampfli, Linda McLaughlin, Barbara Huk, Sara Little, Linda Downey, Bridger Thomas, Briana Negrete, Suzanna Hubele, Jan Mullins, Rick Haynes, Cynthia Haynes, Brenda Crimin, Jeff Nauman, Rachal Messersmith, Rachel Clark, Patti Hartnett, Sabrina Young, Brian Johnson, JoAnn Karel, Dennis Cooper, Molly Jensen, Norma Brown, Rhonda Hirata, Alfredo Hernandez, Chuck Kroll and Gary Hill.

The blood drive could not happen without the help of the volunteers. Blood drive
chairman, Alex Chavarria, pulled it all together by lining up and calling donors.
Coordinator Dorothy Evans worked the registration table during the drive and enters
future appointments into the database after the drive. Pat West helped at the
registration table. Mary Walker, Dolores Larsen, Jan Mullins, Petra McDaniel, Vi
Peterson and Vickie Thomas of Nu Masters sorority prepared sandwiches for the
donors and a delicious taco salad lunch for the workers and volunteers. Nu Masters is
a member of the Beta Sigma Phi City Council who funds the purchase of the food. We
are also grateful to MTE for their generous contribution that pays for supplies and WIFI.
Weiser’s next quarterly blood drive will be held in the Vendome Events Center on
Wednesday, December 7, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please call Alex Chavarria at
208-602-7138 or Dorothy Evans at 208-549-5589 to schedule an appointment or go on the American Red Cross website to reserve your time slot. Your blood could save a life. There’s no better way to spend an hour of your time.