In this installment of Season 1, Episode 9, we delve into the journey of Jon Lerew, a dedicated family man with a passion for community involvement. Amidst the challenges of the pandemic, Jon and his family made a life-changing decision to relocate from Washington State to Weiser. Embracing their new community wholeheartedly, they quickly became integral members, immersing themselves in church youth groups and youth sports coaching, driven by their profound connection to children of that age. However, Jon’s path wasn’t without its hurdles; his outspokenness on school district policies stirred controversy, leading him to reflect on his actions with hindsight’s wisdom. Now, as a school board trustee, Jon shares his profound admiration for those who serve and have served in similar capacities, offering insights into the responsibilities and challenges of community leadership. Join us as we embark on this conversation with Jon Lerew, a testament to the transformative power of community engagement.