The Upper Country Singers begin rehearsals Monday, September 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the Midvale School multipurpose room. The group will rehearse every Monday in preparation for their annual Christmas concert on Sunday, December 5 at 3:00 p.m. at the Cambridge Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall. The theme this year is “Joy to the World A Christmas Journey Around the Globe.” Everyone is welcome to participate. There are no auditions.
The Upper Country Children’s Choir will also begin rehearsals on September 13 at 4:30 to 6:30 at the Midvale Community Baptist Church. All children, 4th grade and older, are encouraged to participate. The children will sing, dance, learn puppetry and American Sign language, under the direction of Laurel Sherman. The Children’s Choir will also perform in the Christmas concert on December 5.
The Upper Country Singers have been in existence, in one form or other, for many years. Although the group was formed as a musical outlet for Cambridge and Midvale musicians, choir members come from Weiser to Council and everywhere in-between. Their concert has become a “cannot miss” Christmas tradition for many people from all over the area.